About us

About us
The day we picked up our XploreRV X22 near South Fork, Colorado. 3/2022
The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.- Joseph Campbell

Greetings from the road, Hannah and Michael here! We are writing this 3 weeks into what we hope will be a voyage of both inner self discovery and an exploration of part of the world neither one of us had really experienced yet. We intend to make it all the way to the tip of South Amerian, to Ushuaia in Argentina, by way of navigating around the Darien gap.  

What we feel is unique to our journey is a few things, bringing a wonderful cat and dog with us, and using a rather large setup that will introduce a level of complexity for this trip.  Truck and trailer pictured above is almost 40ft long.  Hannah will also be doing ceramics on the way, harvesting wild materials and utilizing a portable kiln to fire with, in addition to pit firings. I have the fortunate ability to work from the road remotely.

During this adventure, we intend to take full advanatage of kayaking, photography of landscapes, wildlife, and people, and perhaps dabble in fishing and foraging.  We are interested in aspects of sustainable and off grid living in this region of the world, open to work/trade arrangements, experiencing the multitude and diversity of cultures along the way.

We would like to thank our friends and family that have supported and hosted us thus far. Special shout out to Todd and Anna Skrypek in Park City Utah, and Betsy and Nathan Braly in Petaluma California.  We are taking advantage of the time to visit old friends and for Hannah to attend a wonderful ceramics workshop in Medocino California before hitting the border to the south.  A few pics of our US stops so far, cheers!